If you are a seasoned Real Estate Investor, you will likely already know the pros and cons to owning Rental Property. One of the challenges we face today are the ever changing lending criteria through the lenders, making it difficult to build on one's Rental Portfolio. Therefore, you would know that by aligning yourself with an experienced Mortgage Professional is very essential in your quest to own 4+ properties over time.
If you are new to owning Real Estate, there is a lot of tricks of the trade to pick up and certainly an experienced Mortgage Professional will likely share their resources. To start, let's consider some of the underwriting guidelines required for qualifying for a Rental Property. We would love to expand on this section over time to shed some light on "How to Buy Rental Property" and "Landlording Tips" (coming soon).
Acceptable loan purpose
Loan-to-value ratio limits:
*Please note that some lenders will only finance up to 65% LTV going to 75%LTV on exception. Whereas, some will only go to 75%LTV Conventionally or 80%LTV adding an insurance premium - most are payable by the client (tacked to the mortgage amount). There are only a few select lenders that may go up to 80%LTV Conventionally where a premium on the rate may apply.
Max Loan Amounts:
Eligible properties:
Ineligible properties:
Terms/qualifying interest rates:
Amortization Options:
Contact me today for your Pre-Approval: 403-667-2978 or via email mtg@natashashaw.com
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